Friday, March 18, 2011

The World of a Three Year Old!!!

This is my first year teaching and I am one of the three year old teachers at the UWA Campus School. My life is no longer boring anymore because the wonderful kids keep me on my toes. They are constantly doing funny things and are always keeping me laughing.

This is Kinsley and Mary Reeves. You know people always say that children can tell when you aren't having a good day. I wasn't having a good day that day and these two girls knew it. They walked up to my desk and said, "Miss Olivia, we are going to make faces at you until you laugh!" Of course, it only took for them to make like one face and I couldn't stop laughing.

This is another one of my students, Shaniya. She is always having fun and loves doing silly things with me. These kids have made my first year of teaching a wonderful year and one that I will never forget.

St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day as we all know. The leprechaun visited my classroom of three year olds that I teach and of course left a big mess. The kids loved it and of course freaked out when they saw everything. It was priceless.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trying to De-stress

So I am trying this blog thing now. I am pretty new to it. I have written a couple of times just for me but usually I have used this blog for a class where we had to create a blog. Two girls that I teach with and who have become some pretty good friends of mine are completely obsessed with blogging. They do it all the time. They told me it was fun to do and that is helps them get rid of some stress. I have had nothing but stress on me lately so I am going to give it a shot and see if it helps me out. I think it is just the fact that I am coming to an end with grad school and that means that I am really going to be out in the real world. I plan on going back to school to get my education specialist degree but I think it is wise for me to take at least a year off and calm my nerves and try to get back what little sanity I can salvage. I feel like all I have been doing is work and class lately. I also had the brilliant idea to try and still do marching band which is something I love so throw that one on in there. My day usually consists of going to work with my wonderful co-workers and sometimes precious angels (I love them all), then I go to work in the fine arts department for a few hours, then I go to band, and then I go to class. When I am done with class around 8pm, I go back to my room and work on homework so I don't fall too far behind. By the time I am done with all that, I try and go to sleep but lately I haven't been doing too much of that. I don't know if it is because I have so much going on or what. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days where life was so much simpler. I want the days back when the most difficult decision we had was what we were going to ask mom to pack us for lunch that day or who we wanted to invite to our birthday parties. Those were the days. One of these days, I am going to take a day and just go get pampered. I mean get a massage, manicure, pedicure, and go shopping. Who is with me?